
8:50 - 9:00

9:00 - 9:50
Keynote Lecture 1
Sala Bracci
Giuseppe Nicosia
Michael Bronstein

9:55 - 13:05
Session 1A
Sala Bracci
Giuseppe Nicosia

Topic: Deep Learning

9:55 - 10:20
Deep Neural Network Ensembles
Sean Tao
10:20 - 10:45
Driver Distraction Detection Using Deep Neural Network
Shokoufeh Monjezi Kouchak
Shokoufeh Monjezi Kouchak and Ashraf Gaffar
10:45 - 11:25
Coffee Break
11:25 - 11:50
Deep Learning Algorithms for Complex Patterns Recognition in Ultrasonic Sensors Arrays
Vittorio Mazzia
Angelo Tartaglia
Vittorio Mazzia, Angelo Tartaglia, Dario Gandini and Marcello Chiaberge
11:50 - 12:15
Stochastic Weight Matrix-based Regularization Methods for Deep Neural Networks
Patrik Reizinger
Patrik Reizinger and Bálint Gyires-Tóth
12:15 - 12:40
Quantitative and Ontology-Based Comparison of Explanations for Image Classification
Alan Perotti
Valentina Ghidini, Alan Perotti and Rossano Schifanella
12:40 - 13:05
About generative aspects of Variational Autoencoders
Andrea Asperti
Session 1B
Sala Veranda
Helio J.C. Barbosa

Topic: Data Science Session (1)

9:55 - 10:20
Adapted Random Survival Forest for Histograms to Analyze NOx Sensor Failure in Heavy Trucks
Ram Bahadur Gurung
10:20 - 10:45
Effect of Market Spread over Reinforcement Learning based Market Maker
Abbas Haider
Abbas Haider, Hui Wang, Bryan Scotney and Glenn Hawe
10:45 - 11:25
Coffee Break
11:25 - 11:50
LIA: A Label-Independent Algorithm for Feature Selection for Supervised Learning
Gail Gilboa Freedman
Gail Gilboa Freedman, Alon Patelsky and Tal Sheldon
11:50 - 12:15
Relationship Detection Measures for Binary SoC Data
Dave McEwan
Dave McEwan and Jose Nunez-Yanez
12:15 - 12:40
Network Alignment using Graphlet Signature and High Order Proximity
Aljohara Almulhim
Aljohara Almulhim, Vachik S. Dave and Mohammad Al Hasan
12:40 - 13:05
A New Baseline for Automated Hyper-Parameter Optimization
Marius Geitle
Marius Geitle and Roland Olsson

13:05 - 15:00

15:00 - 15:50
Keynote Lecture 2
Sala Bracci
Giuseppe Nicosia
Arthur Guez

15:55 - 16:45
Session 2A
Sala Bracci
Giuseppe Nicosia

Topic: Derivative-Free Optimization

15:55 - 16:20
A Framework for Multi-fidelity Modeling in Global Optimization Approaches
Zelda Zabinsky
Zelda Zabinsky, Giulia Pedrielli and Hao Huang
16:20 - 16:45
Performance Evaluation of Local Surrogate Models in Bilevel Optimization
Helio Barbosa
Jaqueline Angelo, Eduardo Krempser and Helio Barbosa
Session 2B
Sala Veranda
Alan Perotti

Topic: Natural Language Processing

15:55 - 16:20
BowTie - a deep learning feedforward neural network for sentiment analysis
Apostol Vassilev
16:20 - 16:45
To What Extent Can Text Classification Help with Making Inferences About Students' Understanding
Twba Al-Shaghdari
Tony Beaumont and Twba Al-Shaghdari

17:25 - 18:15
Keynote Lecture 3
Sala Bracci
Giuseppe Nicosia
Raniero Romagnoli
Vincenzo Sciacca

18:15 - 19:30

19:30 - 21:30

9:00 - 9:50
Keynote Lecture 4
Sala Bracci
Giovanni Giuffrida
Jan Peters

9:55 - 10:45
Session 3A
Sala Bracci
Giovanni Giuffrida

Topic: Data Science Session (2)

9:55 - 10:20
A Beam Search for the Longest Common Subsequence Problem Guided by a Novel Approximate Expected Length Calculation
Marko Djukanovic
Marko Djukanovic, Günther Raidl and Christian Blum
10:20 - 10:45
An Adaptive Parameter Free Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem
Yannis Marinakis
Yannis Marinakis and Magdalene Marinaki
Session 3B
Sala Veranda
Vincenzo Sciacca

Topic: Combinatorial & Graphs

9:55 - 10:20
Combinatorial Learning in Traffic Management
Giorgio Sartor
Lukas Bach, Carlo Mannino and Giorgio Sartor
10:20 - 10:45
Cartesian Genetic Programming with Guided and Single Active Mutations for Designing Combinational Logic Circuits
Heder Bernardino
José Eduardo da Silva, Lucas de Souza and Heder Bernardino

10:45 - 11:25
Coffee Break

11:25 - 12:15
Keynote Lecture 5
Sala Bracci
Giuseppe Nicosia
Richard E. Turner

12:20 - 13:10
Session 4A
Sala Bracci
Giuseppe Nicosia

Topic: Unsupervised Learning

12:20 - 12:45
Inferring Regulatory Networks using Partial Prior Topological Ordering Information
George Michailidis
12:45 - 13:10
Learning Scale and Shift-Invariant Dictionary for Sparse Representation
Toshimitsu Aritake
Toshimitsu Aritake and Noboru Murata
Session 4B
Sala Veranda
Heder Bernardino

Topic: Combinatorial & Graphs

12:20 - 12:45
Designing an Optimal and Resilient iBGP Overlay with extended ORRTD
Cristina Mayr
Cristina Mayr, Claudio Risso and Eduardo Grampín
12:45 - 13:10
GRASP Heuristics for the Stochastic Weighted Graph Fragmentation Problem
Guillermo Rela
Nicole Rosenstock, Juan Piccini, Guillermo Rela, Pablo Romero and Franco Robledo

13:10 - 15:00

15:00 - 16:40
Session 5A
Sala Bracci
Giovanni Giuffrida

Industrial Session on Machine Learning and Data Science

15:00 - 15:25
Unsupervised Estimation of Principal Component Dimensions through the Principle of Minimum Distance Length
Ami Tavory
15:25 - 15:50
Modelling chaotic time series using recursive deep self-organising neural networks
Erik Berglund
15:50 - 16:15
On Tree-based Methods for Similarity Learning
Robin Vogel
Stéphan Clémençon and Robin Vogel
16:15 - 16:40
Active Learning Approach for Safe Process Parameter Tuning
Stefano De Blasi
Session 5.1B
Sala Veranda
Heder Bernardino

Topic: Combinatorial & Graphs

15:00 - 15:25
Uniformly Most-Reliable Graphs and Antiholes
Guillermo Rela
Guillermo Rela, Pablo Romero and Franco Robledo
15:25 - 15:50
Merging Quality Estimation for BDDs with Binary Classifiers
Nikolaus Frohner
Nikolaus Frohner and Günther Raidl

15:50 - 16:40
Session 5.2B
Sala Veranda
Vincenzo Sciacca

Topic: Data Science Session (3)

15:50 - 16:15
The measure of regularities recognition applied to the supervised classification task
Yuriy Mikheev
16:15 - 16:40
Simple and Accurate Classification Method Based on Class Association Rules Performs Well on Well-known Datasets
Jamolbek Mattiev
Jamolbek Mattiev and Branko Kavšek

16:40 - 17:20
Coffee Break

17:20 - 19:00
Session 6A
Sala Bracci
Giuseppe Nicosia

Industrial Session on Machine Learning and Data Science

17:20 - 17:45
Federated Learning of Deep Neural Decision Forests
Anders Sjöberg
Anders Sjöberg, Emil Gustavsson, Ashok Chaitanya Koppisetty and Mats Jirstrand
17:45 - 18:10
Conditional Anomaly Detection for Quality and Productivity Improvement of Electronics Manufacturing Systems
Eva Jabbar
Eva Jabbar, Philippe Besse, Jean-Michel Loubes and Christophe Merle
18:10 - 18:35
Data Anonymization for Privacy aware Machine Learning
David Jaidan
David Jaidan, Maxime Carrere, Zakaria Chemli and Rémi Poisvert
18:35 - 19:00
Exploiting Similar Behavior of Users in a Cooperative Optimization Approach for Distributing Service Points in Mobility Applications
Thomas Jatschka
Thomas Jatschka, Tobias Rodemann and Günther Raidl
Session 6B
Sala Veranda
Vincenzo Sciacca

Topic: Oral Presentations

17:20 - 17:35
Ensemble Feature Learning for Predicting Risk Factors of Secondary Cancer
Chi-Chang Chang
17:35 - 17:50
Deep Learning and Model Predictive Control for a Flow Control Problem
Katharina Bieker
17:50 - 18:05
The Neurorobotics Platform as a virtual environment for learning agents in the context of spatial navigation experiments
Murat Kirtay
Murat Kirtay, Matteo Priorelli, Ugo Albanese, Lorenzo Vannucci, Cecilia Laschi and Egidio Falotico
18:05 - 18:20
Macroeconomic Forecasting Using Approximate Factor Models with Outliers
Ray Chou
Ray Chou, Tso-Jung Yen and Yu-Min Yen
18:20 - 18:35
Mining frequent patterns to drive the exploration of high-order neighborhoods
Thibaut Vidal
Thibaut Vidal, Florian Arnold, Italo Santana and Kenneth Sörensen

19:00 - 19:30
Industrial Session – LOD 2020 Challenge
Sala Bracci
Giuseppe Nicosia

19:30 - 21:30

9:00 - 9:50
Keynote Lecture 6
Sala Bracci
Panos Pardalos
Kaisa Miettinen

9:55 - 11:50
Session 7A
Sala Bracci
Fabio Fabris

Topic: Prediction and Forecasting

9:55 - 10:20
Restaurant Health Inspections and Crime Predict Real Estate Market in NYC
Anasse Bari
Rafael Moraes
Anasse Bari, Rafael Moraes and Jiachen Zhu
10:20 - 10:45
Load Forecasting in District Heating Networks: Model Comparison on a Real-World Case Study
Federico Bianchi
Federico Bianchi, Alberto Castellini, Pietro Tarocco and Alessandro Farinelli
10:45 - 11:25
Coffee Break
11:25 - 11:50
A Chained Neural Network Model for Photovoltaic Power Forecast
Carola Gajek
Carola Gajek, Alexander Schiendorfer and Wolfgang Reif
Session 7B
Sala Veranda
Giorgio Sartor

Topic: Multi-Objective Optimization

9:55 - 10:20
Trading-off Data Fit and Complexity in Training Gaussian Processes with Multiple Kernels
Tinkle Chugh
Tinkle Chugh, Alma Rahat and Pramudita Satria Palar
10:20 - 10:45
Designing Combinational Circuits Using a Multi-objective Cartesian Genetic Programming with Adaptive Population Size
Heder Bernardino
Leandro Lima, Heder Bernardino and Helio Barbosa
10:45 - 11:25
Coffee Break
11:25 - 11:50
Multi-Task Learning by Pareto Optimality
Deyan Dyankov
Deyan Dyankov, Salvatore Danilo Riccio, Giuseppe Di Fatta and Giuseppe Nicosia

11:50 - 13:05
Session 8A
Sala Bracci
Gail Gilboa Freedman

Topic: Data Science Session (4)

11:50 - 12:15
Analyses of Multi-collection Corpora via Compound Topic Modeling
George Michailidis
Clint Pazhayidam George, Wei Xia and George Michailidis
12:15 - 12:40
Text mining with constrained tensor decomposition
Elaheh Sobhani
Elaheh Sobhani, Pierre Comon, Christian Jutten and Massoud Babaie-Zadeh
12:40 - 13:05
The induction problem: a machine learning vindication argument
Gianluca Bontempi
Session 8B
Sala Veranda
Alan Perotti

Topic: Application in Medicine

11:50 - 12:15
Vital prognosis of patients in intensive care units using an Ensemble of Bayesian Classifiers
Rosario Delgado
Rosario Delgado, J. David Nuñez-Gonzalez, Juan Carlos Yébenes and Angel Lavado
12:15 - 12:40
On the role of hub and orphan genes in the diagnosis of breast invasive carcinoma
Marta Lopes
Marta Lopes, André Veríssimo, Eunice Carrasquinha and Susana Vinga
12:40 - 13:05
Approximating Probabilistic Constraints for Surgery Scheduling using Neural Networks
Thomas Philip Runarsson

13:05 - 15:00

15:00 - 15:50
Keynote Lecture 7
Sala Bracci
Vincenzo Sciacca
Arthur Gretton

15:55 - 16:45
Session 9A
Sala Bracci
Erik Berglund

Topic: Semisupervised Learning

15:55 - 16:20
Robust kernelized Bayesian matrix factorization for video background/foreground separation
Hong-Bo Xie
Hong-Bo Xie, Caoyuan Li, Richard Xu and Kerrie Mengersen
16:20 - 16:45
Parameter Optimization of Polynomial Kernel SVM from miniCV
Li-Chia Yeh
Li-Chia Yeh and Chung-Chin Lu
Session 9B
Sala Veranda
Marius Geitle

Topic: Data Science Session (5)

15:55 - 16:20
On Probabilistic k-Richness of the k-Means Algorithms
Robert Kłopotek
Robert Kłopotek and Mieczysław Kłopotek
16:20 - 16:45
Using clustering for supervised feature selection to detect relevant features
Christoph Lohrmann
Christoph Lohrmann and Pasi Luukka

16:45 - 17:25
Coffee Break

17:25 - 18:15
Keynote Lecture 8
Sala Bracci
Vincenzo Sciacca
Marco Gori

18:15 - 19:00
Session 10A
Sala Bracci
Vincenzo Sciacca

Topic: Short Paper Session

18:15 - 18:30
Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Earthquake Detection in Venezuelan Regions
Sergi Mus
Sergi Mus, Norma Gutierréz, Rubén Tous, Beatriz Otero, Leonel Cruz, David Llácer, Leonardo Alvarado and Otilio Rojas
18:30 - 18:45
Treating Artificial Neural Net Training as a Nonsmooth Global Optimization Problem
Andreas Griewank
Andreas Griewank and Angel Rojas
18:45 - 19:00
Zero-Shot Fashion Products Clustering on Social Image Streams
Jonatan Poveda-Pena
Jonatan Poveda-Pena and Rubén Tous
Session 10B
Sala Veranda
Marius Geitle

Topic: Data Science Session (6)

18:15 - 18:40
A Structural Theorem for Center-Based Clustering in High-Dimensional Euclidean Space
Vladimir Shenmaier
18:40 - 19:05
Modification of the k-MXT Algorithm and Its Application to the Geotagged Data Clustering
Sergei Sidorov
Anastasia Stepanova, Sergei Mironov, Sergei Sidorov and Alexey Faizliev

19:05 - 19:30
Free Time

19:30 - 21:30

9:00 - 9:50
Keynote Lecture 9
Sala Bracci
Vincenzo Sciacca
Mauricio G. C. Resende

9:50 - 10:40
Keynote Lecture 10
Sala Bracci
Vincenzo Sciacca
Panos Pardalos

10:40 - 11:20
Coffee Break

11:20 - 12:10
Session 11A
Sala Bracci
Vincenzo Sciacca

Topic: Supervised Learning

11:20 - 11:45
Analysing the Overfit of the auto-sklearn Automated Machine Learning Tool
Fabio Fabris
Fabio Fabris and Alex Freitas
11:45 - 12:10
Optimal trade-off between sample size and precision of supervision for the fixed effects panel data model
Federico Nutarelli
Giorgio Gnecco and Federico Nutarelli
Session 11B
Sala Veranda
Murat Kirtay

Topic: Data Science Session (7)

11:20 - 11:45
CoPASample: A Heuristics based Covariance Preserving Data Augmentation
Rishabh Agrawal
Paridhi Kothari
11:45 - 12:10
Active Matrix Completion for Algorithm Selection
Mustafa Misir

12:10 - 13:00
Free Time

13:00 - 14:45
